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It’s that time of the year again when Turkey has to be on the dinner menu. The question is, do you buy or go hunting for one? During the fall season, Turkeys are not as many as they are during spring hence the need to devise tactics to shoot one.
Hunting for a Turkey need not be stressful; you have to enjoy the experience. Once you go hunting and bring home your first catch, you will never shop for Turkey again as the experience is thrilling. The following are some of the fall turkey hunting tips you can use to help you catch your first Turkey.
Best Time for Turkey Hunting
The best time for turkey hunting is between the beginning of spring and late fall. It is good to hunt early in the morning as turkeys nest in trees and wooded areas; you will catch them as they head out to search for breakfast. Turkeys also act more or less like humans in that they are affected by extreme weather conditions; too much heat or cold slows them down.

7 Fall Turkey Hunting Tips
1. Disperse
One of the first fall turkey hunting tactics is to disperse the poultry and the recall them. Sneak close to the flock and then run towards them trying to scatter them in all directions; the important thing here is that they move in different directions, not one. If they distribute in one direction, you will not be able to recall them; you can also scatter them using turkey dogs in areas where it is legal.
2. Recall
After dispersing the birds, wait a few minutes then start calling. They will start coming in your direction while also calling their colleagues. Make sure to make the right sounds as both male and female birds respond to different sounds. One of the sounds you can use is the kee kee run, which is the sound made by a young poult that is unable to break a yelp.
3. How to Scout for Turkeys
Before dispersing and recalling you have first to find the birds. You should, therefore, know how to scout for turkey by finding out where they roost and eat. In open areas, you can look for them in areas with longer grass as this is where they go to look for grasshoppers. After a harvest, turkeys can be found in wheat and corn fields as they go looking for insects beneath the patty.
4. Decoy
A decoy is vital as you will need it to bring the turkeys to you. It must look very close to the real thing such as a lost turkey that needs rescuing by the others. Place it in a strategic place where the turkeys will be able to spot it from afar.
5. Cluck for Toms
The ultimate prize in fall turkey hunting is taking a gobbler home. When you come across them, you need to disperse them and then recall them.
However, gobblers are more alert and may take even up to 30 minutes before they return to their spot. Instead of yelping, you can apply deep-pitched clucks in intervals of five minutes or initiate slow jake yelps.
When they decide to come back, they will be cautious and alert hence the need for you to be still and patient. They will be silent when coming back so listen for clucks and footfalls on the leaves.
6. Be Prepared to get Wet
Turkeys behave like humans; they also hate the rain. However, when it rains, they do not retreat to their shelters but instead, head out to the fields. This is the perfect moment for you as the rain will soften the leaves; hence, the turkeys will not be alerted of a hunter of a predator.
If the rain is not too much, you can go hunting when it is raining or hunt immediately it stops as the leaves and trees will still be wet thus they will not be alerted of your presence.
7.Hunting Gear
You cannot go turkey hunting without the right hunting gear. Carry a shotgun that you can use comfortably. Also, put on boots as they navigate through grasslands very well in addition to protecting your feet from snake bites.
A good pair of binoculars is also a must as you need them to locate the turkeys from a distance. An excellent comfortable fold-able chair is also a necessity as you will need one when waiting for the turkeys to show up.
Frequently Answered Questions (FAQs)
Do turkeys mate in the fall?
Turkeys only mate in spring; when this season is over, hens and gobblers disperse individually.
Where do turkeys go in the fall?
Turkeys can be found in open fields in the fall, and when winter approaches, they retreat to the woods and near edge cover where they feed on beechnuts, berries, and acorns.
How do you attract turkeys for hunting?
Having a woodpile or a brush pile can attract turkeys as they prefer them as shelters. Turkeys also nest under a brush pile or shrubs; if you grow a bush in your yard, it will attract turkeys as they may nest and raise their young ones there.
What time should you start calling turkeys?
The best time to call turkeys is when they are right off the roost; at this time, the gobblers are not yet with the hens. The hour between 8:30 and 9:30 in the morning is also ideal for calling turkeys as it is the time hens leave the gobblers to go and lay eggs; the other time is from 11:00 am to noon.
Is turkey hunting better in the morning or afternoon?
The time for turkey hunting first depends on the state you are hunting from as there are states that only allow hunting in the morning. If your state does not have time limits, you can track for gobblers in the afternoon. You can find out where the turkeys are roosting and then wait for them as they come back from their excursion.
Do turkey calls work in the fall?
Turkey calls also work in the fall. If you want to catch an adult gobbler, you need to sound like one. A coarse cluck that is followed by slow-paced, raspy yelps will give the sound similar to that of a gobbler, but, gobblers take time to respond to a call in the fall.
In conclusion, hunting for turkeys in the fall can be quite a challenge, but one that can be surmounted. You only have to locate the turkeys and initiate measures to disperse and recall them effectively. Before you go turkey hunting, find out the state laws concerning turkey hunting as there are states where it is illegal to hunt turkeys while others have time limits on when one should hunt.
Also, do not be in a hurry when waiting for your prey as it may take some time before you have a turkey in a good hunting range. Make sure your hunting skills are excellent to avoid wasting shots, and having some of them go stray as it might hurt someone nearby.